Our Patients Can't Stop Smiling
Every smile tells a story, and here are a few amazing before and after pictures of patients treated by Dr. Ryan Pendleton and our Pendleton Orthodontics team. We serve patients of all ages around Leander, Texas with orthodontic treatments like braces and Invisalign.

Amber and her mom were concerned about her crowding, namely the upper tooth that was inside her lower teeth when she bit down (we call that a crossbite).
This also caused her lower jaw to shift to one side, contributing to her headaches, jaw popping, and abnormal teeth wear.

15 months after braces were placed, we have a full, beautiful, symmetrical smile without having to extract any permanent teeth!

Ella and her mom were concerned about her spacing and her open bite in the front.

After using Invisalign aligners for 17 Months, she has a perfect smile and no spaces between her teeth!

Emerson came in when she was seven years old with some dental problems.
She had so much crowding of her upper jaw that not only did her front teeth not have enough room to grow in, but she had a back molar that was stuck underneath another baby tooth that was holding space for ANOTHER permanent tooth!
Her upper jaw was also narrower than her lower jaw, causing a significant crossbite of her back teeth, which can lead to excessive tooth wear and jaw problems. After an early phase of orthodontic intervention that lasted only 12 months, we used an expander and upper braces to ensure she has enough space for all of her permanent teeth, including the teeth that haven't grown in yet.

After an early phase of orthodontic intervention that lasted only 12 months, we used an expander and upper braces to ensure she has enough space for all of her permanent teeth, including the teeth that haven't grown in yet.


Getting the results we achieved, WITHOUT SURGERY OR EXTRACTIONS, is only possible with the help of this wonderful human being. Look at the amazing change in her smile after about two years!
We used an expander, braces, and devices called "Class II Correctors" to advance her lower jaw. Â It really helps that she is young, so we were successful at making these large changes and ensuring their stability!
32 Months for Significant Crowding etc.

Jacob was very concerned about his extensive crowding when he came to us.
His family was surprised that we suggested treatment WITHOUT removing any teeth for a fuller smile in his case.

We had some cooperation issues with rubber bands, but after about two and a half years, look at this amazing smile! From two rows of teeth in one jaw to one amazing smile!
15 Months in Invisalign

Josh and his mother were mainly concerned about his crowding.
His teeth were slanted, crooked, and he was interested in Invisalign. Fortunately, he was a great candidate for this in our office!

Only 15 months later, we were able to achieve all of our goals with his help by wearing Invisalign aligners. Amazing results without braces!
21 Months in an Expander & Braces

Julie had a very narrow upper jaw, significant crowding, and a very prominent gap between her top and bottom front teeth (which is hard to appreciate in these two-dimensional photos).

Thanks to her tremendous help with rubber bands, we were able to reach the finish line in only 21 Months!
We used a special expander called a W-Arch and braces. We are so happy for her!
11 Months in Phase I

Kaitlyn came in, concerned that her front tooth hadn't grown in yet. This was because there was a lot of crowding, and the tooth didn't have enough room.
Also, she had other front teeth that were growing behind the rest of her teeth. It was a traffic jam!

In less than a year, using an expander and upper braces only, we were able to jump all crossbites and have all of her front teeth in!
Sometimes an early orthodontic intervention can REALLY help patients solve big-picture tooth problems and set them up for success later. I just wish her hygiene was better! 🙂
13 Months in Phase 1 (Expander, Appliance, Etc.)

When we met Landry, mom was very concerned about his "underbite" where his lower front teeth covered his upper front teeth.
This can lead to accelerated wear of the upper teeth and can causes the lower front teeth to push forward out of the jaw, causing periodontal (gum and bone) problems.

In just over one year, Landry went through Phase I with an expander, upper braces, and an appliance he wore just at home to help bring his upper jaw forward. He was so excited to get his braces off!
20 Months in Braces

Logan came in with significant tooth crowding and a very deep overbite where his front teeth overlapped too much, leading to severe wear of his lower front teeth. You can't even see his lower teeth in his biting photo!

After 20 months of braces, he has a perfect bite! Now his teeth are out of harm's way and he can smile about it!
18 Months in Braces

Maya had a lot of crowding, and she was really bothered by a high canine tooth that didn't grow into the right spot in her mouth.

After only a year and a half of braces, she has perfectly straight teeth and a lot to smile about!
20 Months in Braces

When we first met Sage, his parents were concerned about his crowding and not enough room for his permanent teeth to all grow in.
They were also quite crooked! I informed them about his deep overbite, which can lead to wear of the front teeth over time, making them more sensitive.

In just over a year and a half, we used braces to give him a full smile that his parents are very proud of!
20 Months in Invisalign

Selina was quite concerned about the abnormal wear of her front teeth, and we educated her about her underbite (or anterior crossbite) being the problem.
She also had a lower jaw positioned too far forward relative to her upper jaw, and significant tooth crowding.

Selina used Invisalign to completely make over her smile! What amazing results in only 20 Months!
17 Months in Invisalign

Brandie was concerned about her teeth being "all over the place."
She had teeth at different heights and prominent upper canines. She chose Invisalign as her treatment of choice.

In 17 months, Brandie completely transformed her smile and her bite wearing her Invisalign aligners so well! We are so happy for her!